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Opening hours

Mon – Fri : 8am – 4pm

Get Kids Active

To enable primary school-aged children living in the Illawarra with a physical disability to participate in physical activity whilst enjoying social participation, inclusion and equal opportunity.

We all know the benefits of keeping fit but do our children with additional needs get this opportunity? Do they meet the Australian guidelines that says EVERY child should accumulate 60 minutes a day of moderate to vigorous physical activity and that three times per week this should incorporate exercise that strengthens muscle and bone.

This is really tricky for our kids and research evidence shows that our kids aren’t fit enough.

Our Frame Running Wollongong group allows kids to join in side by side play with friends and siblings. It is easier for them to play in standing as they can be hands-free and they are have an upright supported posture which helps with eye contact and improves verbal opportunities or the use of alternate communication strategies.

Endurance: our kids smash out a full 60 minutes of active play and fitness.

Happiness and joy: the smiles.

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